jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009


Volvemos a publicar la famosa entrada de Lord Voldemort que pocos pudisteis leer, hay que ser más rápido y estar atentos a las publicaciones. Era una simple definición de Voldemort, fruto del aburrimiento:
The most evil wizard for hundreds and hundreds of years.
He is devoid of the normal human responses to other people's suffering. He feels no desire or need for human companionship or friendship, and is unable to comprehend the idea of love or affection for another. He believes he is superior to everyone around him, to the point that he frequently refers to himself in the third-person as "Lord Voldemort. He is incredibly power hungry. Racist, really. It's said that if Voldemort looked into the Mirror of Erised, he would see "Himself, all-powerful and eternal. That's what he wants."

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